Education and academic career

since 01/2021

Research associate, research group Mountain Ecosystems, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF

05/2017 - 04/2022 Research associate, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
05/2014 - 04/2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Tundra Ecology lab and Biodiversity Research Centre, Department of GeographyUniversity of British Columbia
01/2014 - 04/2014 Visiting scientist, research group Mountain Ecosystems, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
04/2013 - 12/2013 Research associate, research group Mountain Ecosystems, WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF
01/2008 - 03/2013 PhD in Plant Ecology, research group Ecosystem Management, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich


Peer-reviewed articles

Shipley, J.R., E.R. Frei, A. Bergamini, S. Boch, T. Schulz, C. Ginzler, M. Barandun, P. Bebi, J. Bolliger, K. Bollmann, N. Delpouve, M.M. Gossner, C. Graham, F. Krumm, M. Marty, N. Pichon, A. Rigling, & C. Rixen (2024). Agricultural practices and biodiversity: Conservation policies for semi-natural grasslands in Europe. Current Biology, 34(16):PR753–R761.

Lechler, L., C. Rixen, P. Bebi, M. Bavay, M. Marty, I. Barbeito, M.A. Dawes, F. Hagedorn, F. Krumm, P. Möhl, M. Schaub, & E.R. Frei (2024). Five decades of ecological and meteorological data enhance the mechanistic understanding of global change impacts on the treeline ecotone in the European Alps. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 355:110126.

Frei E.R., M. Conedera, P. Bebi, S. Zürcher, A. Bareiss, L. Ramstein, N. Giacomelli & A. Bottero (2024) High potential but little success: ungulate browsing increasingly impairs silver fir regeneration in mountain forests in the southern Swiss Alps. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpae028.

Streit, K., P. Brang & E.R. Frei (2024) The Swiss common garden network: testing assisted migration of tree species in Europe. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7:1396798.

Eisenring, M., A. Gessler, E.R. Frei, G. Glauser, B. Kammerer, M. Moor, A. Perret-Gentil, T. Wohlgemuth & M.M. Gossner (2024). Legacy effects of premature defoliation in response to an extreme drought event modulate phytochemical profiles with subtle consequences for leaf herbivory in European beech. New Phytologist, 242(6):2495–2509.

Elphinstone, C., F. Hernández, M. Todesco, J.S. Légaré, W. Cheung, P.C. Sokoloff, A. Hofgaard, C.T. Christiansen, E.R. Frei, E. Lévesque, G.N. Daskalova, H.J.D. Thomas, I.H. Myers-Smith, J.A. Harris, J.M. Saarela, J.L. May, J. Obst, J. Boike, K. Clark, K. MacIntosh, K.R. Betway-May, L. Case, M.P. Björkman, M.L. Moody, N.M. Schmidt, P. Molgaard, R.G. Björk, R.D. Hollister, R.D. Bull, S. Agger, V. Maire, G.H.R. Henry & L.H. Rieseberg (2024). Multiple Pleistocene refugia for Arctic Bell-Heather revealed with genomic analyses of modern and historic plants. Journal of Biogeography.

Neycken, A., T. Wohlgemuth, E.R. Frei, S. Klesse, A. Baltensweiler & M. Lévesque (2024). Slower growth prior to the 2018 drought and a high growth sensitivity to previous year summer conditions predisposed European beech to crown dieback. Science of the Total Environment, 912:169068 (11 pp.).

García Criado, M., I. H. Myers-Smith, A.D. Bjorkman, S. Normand, A. Blach-Overgaard, H. J. D. Thomas, …, E.R. Frei , …, S. Venn & A.M. Virkkala. (2023) Plant traits poorly predict winner and loser shrub species in a warming tundra biome. Nature Communications 14:3837.

Frei E.R., I. Barbeito, L. Erdle, E. Leibold, & P. Bebi. (2023) Evidence of 40 years of alpine treeline shift in a central Alpine valley. Forests 14(2):412.

Frei E.R., M.M. Gossner, Y. Vitasse, V. Queloz, V. Dubach, A. Gessler, C. Ginzler, F. Hagedorn, K. Meusburger, M. Moor, E. Samblàs Vives, A. Rigling, Ide Uitentuis, G. von Arx & T. Wohlgemuth (2022) European beech dieback after premature leaf senescence during the 2018 drought in northern Switzerland. Plant Biology 24:1132–1145.

Klesse S., T. Wohlgemuth, K. Meusburger, Y. Vitasse, G. von Arx, M. Lévesque, A. Neycken, S. Braun, V. Dubach, A. Gessler, C. Ginzler, M.M. Gossner, F. Hagedorn, V. Queloz, E. Samblàs Vives, A. Rigling & E.R. Frei (2022) Long-term soil water limitation and previous tree vigor drive local variability of drought-induced crown dieback in Fagus sylvatica. Science of the Total Environment 851:157926.

Rixen, C., T.T. Høye, P. Macek, R. Aerts, J. Alatalo, J.T. Andeson, P.A. Arnold, I.C. Barrio, J.W. Bjerke, M.P. Björkman, E.R. Frei, ..., S. Wipf & S. Zong (2022) Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems. Arctic Science 8:572–608.

Lembrechts J.J., J. van den Hoogen, J. Aalto, M.B. Ashcroft, P. De Frenne, ..., E.R. Frei, ..., C. Rixen, ... S. Wipf, ... F. Zellweger, ... & J. Lenoir (2022) Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology 28:3110–3144.

Frei E.R., Moser B. & T. Wohlgemuth (2022) Competitive ability of natural Douglas fir regeneration in central European close-to-nature forests. Forest Ecology and Management 503:119767.

Frei E.R. & G.H.R. Henry (2021) Long-term effects of snowmelt timing and climate warming on phenology, growth and reproductive effort of arctic tundra plant species. Arctic Science 8:700–721.

Panchen Z.A., E.R. Frei & G.H.R. Henry (2021) Increased Arctic climate extremes constrain expected higher plant reproductive success in a warmer climate. Arctic Science 8:680–699.

Prevéy J.S., Elmendorf S.C., Bjorkman A. D., Alatalo J.M., …, E.R. Frei, … & Y. Yang (2021) The tundra phenology database: More than two decades of tundra phenology responses to climate change. Arctic Science 8:1026–1039.

Frei E.R., Schnell L., Vitasse Y., Wohlgemuth T. & B. Moser (2020) Assessing the effectiveness of in-situ active warming combined with open top chambers to study plant responses to climate change. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:539584.

Lembrechts J.J., J. Aalto, M.B. Ashcroft, P. De Frenne, M. Kopecký, J. Lenoir, M. Luoto, I.M.D. Maclean, O. Roupsard, E. Fuentes‐Lillo, L. Pellissier, ..., S. Wipf, ..., F. Zellweger, E.R. Frei, ..., C. Rixen, ... C. Rossi, & I. Nijs (2020) SoilTemp: a global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology 26(11):6616-6629.

Thomas H.J.D., A.D. Bjorkman, I.H. Myers-Smith, S.C. Elmendorf, …, E.R. Frei, ... & F.T. de Vries (2020) Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome. Nature Communications 11:1351.

Thomas H.J.D., I.H. Myers-Smith, A.D. Bjorkman, S.C. Elmendorf, …, E.R. Frei, ... & P.M. van Bodegom (2019) Traditional plant functional groups poorly explain plant trait variation in the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(2):78–95.

Frei E.R., E. Bianchi, G. Bernareggi, P. Bebi, M.A. Dawes, C.D. Brown, A.J. Trant, S.D. Mamet & C. Rixen (2018) Biotic and abiotic drivers of tree seedling recruitment across an alpine treeline ecotone. Scientific Reports 8:10894.

Bjorkman A.D., I.H. Myers-Smith, S.C. Elmendorf, S. Normand, N. Ruger, …, E.R. Frei, … & E. Weiher (2018) Changes in plant functional traits across a warming tundra biome. Nature 562:57–62.

Bjorkman A.D., I.H. Myers-Smith, S.C. Elmendorf, S. Normand, H.J.D. Thomas, …, E.R. Frei, … & T. Zamin (2018) Tundra Trait Team: A database of plant traits spanning the tundra biome. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27(12):1402–1411.

Bjorkman A.D., M. Vellend, E.R. Frei & G.R.H. Henry (2017) Climate adaptation is not enough: warming does not facilitate success of southern tundra plant populations in the high Arctic. Global Change Biology 23(4):1540–1551.

Frei E.R., J. Ghazoul, P. Matter, M. Heggli & A.R. Pluess (2014) Plant population differentiation and climate change: responses of grassland species along an elevational gradient. Global Change Biology 20(2):441–455.

Frei E.R., J. Ghazoul, & A.R. Pluess (2014) Plastic responses to elevated temperature in low and high elevation populations of three grassland species. PLoS ONE 9(6): e98677.

Frei E.R., T. Hahn, J. Ghazoul & A.R. Pluess (2014) Divergent selection in low and high elevation populations of a perennial herb in the Swiss Alps. Alpine Botany 124(2):131–142.

Matter P., C.J. Kettle, E.R. Frei, J. Ghazoul & A.R. Pluess (2014) Geographic distance is more relevant than elevation in patterns of outbreeding in Ranunculus bulbosus. Journal of Ecology 102:518–530.

Hahn T., C. Kettle, J. Ghazoul, E.R. Frei, P. Matter & A.R. Pluess (2012) Patterns of genetic variation across altitude in three plant species of (semi-)dry grasslands. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41608.

Maysenhölder W., M. Heggli, X. Zhou, T. Zhang, E. Frei & M. Schneebeli (2012) Microstructure and sound absorption of snow. Cold Regions Science and Technology 83–84:3-12.

Pluess A.R., E. Frei, C. Kettle, T. Hahn & J. Ghazoul (2011) Plant growth and fitness of Scabiosa columbaria under climate warming conditions. Plant Ecology & Diversity 4(4):379–389.

Frei E., J. Bodin & G.-R. Walther (2010) Plant species’ range shifts in mountainous areas – all uphill from here? Botanica Helvetica 120(2):117–128.

Heggli M., E. Frei & M. Schneebeli (2009) Snow Replica method for three-dimensional X-ray microtomographic imaging. Journal of Glaciology 55(192):631–639.

Further scientific publications

Frei E.R., M.M. Gossner, V. Queloz, Y. Vitasse & T. Wohlgemuth (2022) Laubfall im Sommer als Indiz für späteres Buchensterben. Wald und Holz 104(09): 10-13. PDF.

Frei E.R., M.M. Gossner, V. Queloz, Y. Vitasse & T. Wohlgemuth (2022) La chute prématurée du feuillage présage un futur dépérissement. La Forêt 104(09): 8-11. PDF.

Klesse S., K. Meusburger, T. Wohlgemuth & E.R. Frei (2022) Buchensterben hängt von Boden und Baumgrösse ab. Wald und Holz 103(08): 22. PDF.

Klesse S., K. Meusburger, T. Wohlgemuth & E.R. Frei (2022) La mortalité du hêtre dépend de sa taille et du sol. La Forêt 103(08): 22. PDF.

Frei E.R., B. Moser, J. Hafner, F. Fässler, A. Glanzmann & T. Wohlgemuth (2021) Ausbreitungstendenzen und Konkurrenzkraft der Douglasie in der Schweiz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 172(2):94-105.

Moser B., E.R. Frei, C. Bachofen, U. Wasem & T. Wohlgemuth (2021) Douglasiensämlinge im Wettstreit mit mitteleuropäischen Baumarten. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 172(2):106-117.

Frei E.R., C. Rixen & P. Bebi (2018) Was beeinflusst den Anstieg der Waldgrenze? Jagd in Tirol. 12:22-26.

Frei E.R., K. Streit & P. Brang (2018) Testpflanzungen zukunftsfähiger Baumarten: auf dem Weg zu einem schweizweiten Netz. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 169(8):347-350.

Streit K., E.R. Frei & P. Brang (2018) Testpflanzungen zukunftsfähiger Baumarten. Zürcher Wald 6:9-12.

Brang P., K. Streit & E.R. Frei (2018) Testpflanzungen zukunftsfähiger Baumarten. Bündner Wald 6:38-42.

Rixen C., S. Wipf, E.R. Frei, & V. Stöckli (2014) Faster, higher, more? Past, present and future Dynamics of alpine and arctic flora under climate change. Alpine Botany 124(2):77–79.

Burga C.A., Frei E., R. Reinalter & G.-R. Walther (2007) Neue Daten zum Monitoring alpiner Pflanzen im Engadin. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 19:37–43.

Reports and theses

Wohlgemuth T. & E.R. Frei (2022) Dürre & Buche: Auswirkungen der Sommerdürre 2018 auf die Buche auf der Alpennordseite. Schlussbericht WHFF-Projekt 2019.15, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 52 pp. + Anhang Online Report (Oktober 2022).

Frei E.R., K. Streit & P. Brang (2021) Provenienzwahl und Pflanzgutbeschaffung für Testpflanzungen zukunftsfähiger Baumarten, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 52 pp.Online Report (Version 2, November 2021).

Brang P., K. Streit & E.R. Frei (2019) Initiierung Projekt «Testpflanzungen zukunftsfähiger Baumarten», Schlussbericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 12 pp + Anhang.

Frei E.R., K. Streit & P. Brang (2018) Versuchsdesign der Testpflanzungen, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 13 pp. Online Report.

Frei E.R., K. Streit & P. Brang (2018) Design des plantations expérimentales, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 13 pp. Online Report.

Frei E.R., K. Streit & P. Brang (2018) Baumartenwahl für Testpflanzungen, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 16 pp. Online Report.

Frei E.R., K. Streit & P. Brang (2018) Choix des essences pour les plantations expérimentales, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 16 pp. Online Report.

Brang P., E.R. Frei & K. Streit (2018) Auswahl der Versuchsflächen, Version 2, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 7 pp. + Anhang. Online Report.

Brang P., E.R. Frei & K. Streit (2018) Sélection des placettes pour les plantations expérimentales, Version 1, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 7 pp. + Anhang. Online Report.

Brang P., E.R. Frei & K. Streit (2018) Konzept für ein Inventar bestehender Testpflanzungen, Interner Bericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 5 pp.

Brang P., K. Streit & E.R. Frei (2018) Pilotprojekt Testpflanzungen zukunftsfähiger Baumarten im Forschungsprogramm Wald und Klimawandel, Schlussbericht, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, 15 pp. + Anhang.

Frei E.R. (2013) Adaptation and plasticity of plant populations in the Swiss Alps in the context of climate change. PhD thesis, ETH Zurich, 142 pp.

Frei E.R. (2006) Die Vegetation des Piz Languard, Fallbeispiel für einen klimainduzierten Florenwandel? Diploma thesis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, 114 pp.
