I am Research Scientist in the Mountain Ecosystems research group at the Climate Change, Extremes, and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Centre CERC. The CERC is part of the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF in Davos, Switzerland.

As a forest ecologist, I am interested in the influence and interaction of climate change, disturbances, and management on forest ecosystems. My research benefits from different types of data, based on a data fusion approach, and from the combination of different methods.

Strongly influenced by my professional activities as a forester, I value much the engagement and interaction with local stakeholders and practitioners, as well as the communication to and with the public.

Personal website  https://bottero.ch/

Research interests

Impact of climate change and natural disturbances on mountain forest ecosystems, protective forests, ecosystem services, forest management, silviculture, forest adaptation strategies, dendroecology.


Education and academic career

  • 9.2021-present: Research Scientist. Alpine Environment and Natural Hazards Research Unit / Mountain Ecosystems Research Group, SLF, Davos, Switzerland.

  • 2020-2021: Research Associate. Forest Dynamics Research Unit / Ecosystem Ecology Research Group, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

  • 2017-2019: Postdoc. Forest Dynamics Research Unit / Ecosystem Ecology Research Group, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

  • 2016: Visiting Scientist. Forest Dynamics Research Unit, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

  • 2014-2015: Research Associate - NE CSC Postdoctoral Fellow. Department of Forest Resources (University of Minnesota); United States Forest Service (USFS) Northern Research Station, USA; NE Climate Science Center – US Department of the Interior.

  • 2013: Visiting Scientist, COST Action ES1203. Chair of Forest Ecology, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland.

  • 2013-2014: Research Fellow. DISAFA, University of Torino, Grugliasco (TO), Italy.

  • 2011, 2012: Visiting Scholar. University of Colorado, Boulder (CO), USA.

  • 1.2010-2.2013: Ph.D. in Forest Management and Silviculture (University of Torino, Italy) “Interactions and ecological feedbacks between natural and anthropogenic disturbances in mountain forests in the European Alps”. Supervisor: Prof. Renzo Motta, Univ. of Torino, IT; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Thomas T. Veblen, Univ. of Colorado, USA.

See my CV here.


Opportunities for Students

Looking for a Topic for a Bachelor / Master's thesis? Below is a list with opportunities currently available.

Are you passionate about a particular research topic in the field of 'Ecology and management of mountain (protective) forests'? Reach out to me, and let's explore the possibility of collaborating on your thesis with our team.

Sorry... no openings at the moment but stay tuned...


Additional publications


Gleason, K.E.; Bradford, J.B.; Bottero, A.; D’Amato, A.W.; Fraver, S.; Palik, B.J.; Battaglia, M.A.; Iverson, L.; Kenefic, L.; Kern, C.C., 2017: Competition amplifies drought stress in forests across broad climatic and compositional gradients. Ecosphere 8(7): 1-16. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1849

Bottero, A.; D'Amato, A.W.; Palik, B.J.; Bradford, J.B.; Fraver, S.; Battaglia, M.A.; Asherin, L.A., 2017: Density-dependent vulnerability of forest ecosystems to drought. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(6): 1605-1614. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12847

Bottero, A.; D'Amato, A.W.; Palik, B.J.; Kern, C.C.; Bradford, J.B.; Scherer, S.S, 2017: Influence of repeated prescribed fire on tree growth and mortality in Pinus resinosa forests, Northern Minnesota. Forest Science 63(1): 94-100. doi: 10.5849/forsci.16-035

Castagneri, D.; Bottero, A.; Motta, R.; Vacchiano, G., 2015: Repeated spring precipitation shortage alters individual growth patterns in Scots pine forests in the Western Alps. Trees 29(6): 1699-1712. doi: 10.1007/s00468-015-1250-z

Bottero, A.; Garbarino, M.; Long, J.N.; Motta, R., 2013: The interacting ecological effects of large-scale disturbances and salvage logging on montane spruce forest regeneration in the western European Alps. Forest Ecology and Management 292: 18-28. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.12.021

Garbarino, M.; Lingua, E.; Weisberg, P.J.; Bottero, A.; Meloni, F.; Motta, R., 2013: Land-use history and topographic gradients as driving factors of subalpine Larix decidua forests. Landscape Ecology 28(5): 805-817. doi: 10.1007/s10980-012-9792-6

Bottero, A.; Garbarino, M.; Dukić, V.; Govedar, Z.; Lingua, E.; Nagel, T.A.; Motta, R., 2011: Gap-phase dynamics in the old-growth forest of Lom, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Silva Fennica 45(5): 875-887. doi: 10.14214/sf.76


Vacchiano, G.; Bottero, A.; Castagneri, D.; Chiavetta, U.; Matteucci, G.; Ripullone, F.; Pollastrini, M., 2020: La sete del bosco. Come le foreste reagiscono alla siccità e come aiutarle. Articolo LifeGate Ambiente – Biodiversità. Language: Italian. www.lifegate.it/sete-del-bosco-foreste-siccita

Berretti, R.; Bottero, A.; Bruno, E.; Della Beffa, G.; Freppaz, M.; Giordano, L.; Gonthier, P.; Gottero, F.; Mosca, A.; Motta, R.; Nicolotti, G.; Vacchiano, G.; Viglietti, D.; Wermelinger, B., 2011: Foreste di protezione diretta: disturbi naturali e stabilità nelle Alpi occidentali. Arezzo: Compagnia delle Foreste, s.r.l., pp. 1-144, ISBN: 9788890122385. Language: Italian.

Bovio, G.; Ascoli, D.; Bottero, A.; Valsecchi, C., 2011: Sintesi delle ricerche sugli incendi boschivi in faggeta dell’estate 2003, in: Piano regionale per la programmazione delle attività di previsione, prevenzione e lotta attiva contro gli incendi boschivi 2011-2014. Regione Piemonte, pp. 163-168. Language: Italian.

Bovio, G.; Ascoli, D.; Valsecchi, C.; Bottero, A., 2011: Indagine sulle caratteristiche degli incendi boschivi e sulle dinamiche di risposta degli ecosistemi forestali. Gestione post-incendio in popolamenti di Fagus sylvatica L. del Piemonte. Language: Italian.

