Climate adaptation practices

Project lead

Marco Pütz


Dominik Braunschweiger

Project staff

Dominik Braunschweiger

Project duration

2018 - 2022


The practice of dealing with mass movements and related cascading processes in mountain regions

We analyse adaptation practices concerning mass movements and related risks. First, we review how adaptation strategies and action plans are implemented into practice at the national, cantonal, regional and local level. Second, we identify the most important actors coordinating and connecting climate change adaptation activities in Switzerland. Third, we identify which factors motivate actors to engage in climate change adaptation and which factors prevent them from doing so (barriers and opportunities for adaptation) using a qualitative research design based on case studies and expert interviews. These case studies were carried out in Alpine areas heavily affected by climate change impacts on mass movements. Additional case studies were conducted in other regions in Switzerland that are participating in climate change adaptation pilot projects or other noteworthy adaptation efforts. Finally, we deduce the primary reasons behind the adaptation gap in Switzerland and propose ways to overcome this gap as well as characteristics of good adaptation practice as policy recommendations and to transfer findings. Some key findings are:

  • Cross-sectoral cooperation to define adaptation priorities and assign responsibilities promote the vertical mainstreaming of adaptation goals.
  • Piggybacking adaptation objectives onto ongoing processes may enable authorities to achieve quick results at low costs.
  • National authorities, most of all the FOEN, are still playing the most important coordinating roles in Swiss adaptation governance.
  • Perceived exposure to climate change impacts plays a key role in determining public support for adaptation.
  • Clearer legal mandates and dedicated funds provided by the state and the cantons are needed to foster comprehensive adaptation progress at the local level.
  • Die sektorübergreifende Zusammenarbeit bei der Definition von Anpassungsprioritäten und der Zuweisung von Verantwortlichkeiten fördert das vertikale Mainstreaming von Anpassungszielen.
  • Das Einbinden von Anpassungszielen in laufende Prozesse kann den Behörden ermöglichen, schnelle Ergebnisse zu geringen Kosten zu erzielen.
  • Die nationalen Behörden, allen voran das BAFU, spielen nach wie vor die wichtigste koordinierende Rolle in der Schweizer Klimaanpassung.
  • Die wahrgenommene Gefährdung durch die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels spielt eine Schlüsselrolle für die öffentliche Unterstützung der Anpassung.
  • Um umfassende Anpassungsfortschritte auf lokaler Ebene zu fördern, braucht es klarere gesetzliche Aufträge und zweckgebundene Mittel, die von Staat und Kantonen bereitgestellt werden.